A Year End Message

Dear friends,

ARCOLABS Surya University would like to thank all our friends for your generous support throughout the year 2014. Since the inception of our center in last May, we have been able to achieve a wide range of successes. We were able to introduce multicultural and interdisciplinary art practices through various curated art exhibitions. We were able to develop the community empowering and management program through Petakom.com. We have attempted to enhance art appreciation of the public through SPACE: Galeri Pasar program in Pasar Santa. We also organized numerous workshops and seminars in both academic and non-academic sectors to fulfill our commitment to sharing knowledge and experience. All these achievement would not have been possible without your ongoing support that we would like to extend again our sincere gratitude to all of you.

Thank you very much and wish you all the best in 2015.

Happy Holidays!