Festival Komunitas Seni Media (FKSM) is an arts activity initiated by the Directorate of Film, Music, and Media, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. These art activities include media art exhibitions and cross-media performances, which were held on October 5–12, 2022, at the Bengkulu Provincial Cultural Park UPTD.
“Medi(t)asi Rites/Routes”
The curatorial idea behind “Medi(t)asi Rites/Routes” departs from an observation on the presence of media and technology, which is increasingly broad (extensive) and sharp (intensive) in shaping the practice of daily life and social relations, both in the global (Indonesia and the wider world) and local (Bengkulu) contexts.
Opening Night
Thank you to Mr. Ahmad Mahendra, Mr. Tubagus Andre Sukmana, the entire team from Bengkulu Province, and media partners from Bengkulu for all their support so that this Media Arts Community Festival event can be carried out smoothly.
Local Artists Workshop: New Media Arts
A local artist workshop was mentored by Waft Lab with the theme of electronic art (light and kinetic). Participants were 10 artists from various local communities in Bengkulu, which were formed into two communities, namely the Asosiasi Seniman Bengkulu and the Komunitas Lintas Seni. In this workshop, local artists produced two media art prototypes, which will be developed into two media art installations to be exhibited at FKSM 2022.
Local Artists Workshop: Collaborative Performance
This workshop was mentored directly by Yudi Ahmad Tajudin, curator of FKSM 2022. Participants were 20 local artists from Senyawa Theater (Curup), Bengkulu Theater, Jengkal Theater, and Creative Rafflesia Student Arts Alliance (SINI MARAK), Besurek Theater, Gibran Music Studio, Forum School Theatre, Saiejang, Orchestra in the Name of the Community, and Tobo Berendo. In this workshop, local artists produced two cross-media collaborative performance works.
Poster Design Workshop
The poster design workshop was attended by students from SMAN 2 and SMAN 6 with a total of 20 participants. The result of this workshop is a poster with illustrations regarding the work and activities of the 2022 FKSM exhibition.
Ecoprint Workshop
Ecoprint Workshop, using materials from local plants. The instructor started the material with an introduction to Ecoprint, then continued by demonstrating making Ecoprint using the hitting technique with a tote bag. This workshop was attended by students from SMPN 01 and SMPN 02 with a total of 20 participants.
Gallery Tour
Gallery tour by FKSM 2022 curators, they are @sudjuddartanto and @kakajeon with the aim of allowing visitors to explore the exhibition space and get to know 13 works of media art more closely.
“Human is Alien” Jonas Sestakresna – Tukad Abu Sharpening Room & Bengkulu Performing Artists
“Human is Alien” was shown at the opening of FKSM. “Human is Alien” is the work of Jonas Sestakresna and Ruang Asah Tukad Abu in collaboration with a number of dance, theater, and music artists from Bengkulu.
“How Erectus Are We” S. Sophiyah. K & Tilik Sarira Creative Process
The performance, which was seen at the Bengkulu Cultural Park Hall, talked about the process of searching for Homo Erectus residues in Java based on stories told by Sangiran residents and data and artifacts at the Sangiran Ancient Museum Site.
“Di Balik Layar?” Komunitas Pertunjukan Bengkulu
Karya “Di Balik Layar” is the result of a workshop held on July 13-17, 2022. The work was created collaboratively by a number of Bengkulu performance communities.
Orkes Atas Nama Masyarakat & Pentas Musik Fake Island
Fake Island is an indie pop band from Bengkulu that was formed in 2017. Meanwhile, Orkes in the Name of the Community is a musical group that parodies many of the songs of old orchestra groups, such as Introduction to Drinking Racun, Pancaran Sinar Petromak, and others.
Pentas World Music Kelompok Saiejang dan Ka.Ga.Nga
Ka.Ga.Nga is an ethnic music group that combines traditional music with modern musical arrangements to offer a fresh sound experience. Meanwhile, Saiejang explores many elements of sound and tone from the treasures of traditions that grow in the community of Rejang Lebong Regency.
Pentas 5 Sanggar Musik Dhol: Sanggar Malabero, Sanggar Gratil, Sanggar Anggrek Bulan, Sanggar Hentak Muharram, dan Sanggar Lahore
They work in various ways; some perform with a traditional feel that relies on percussion, but there are also those that combine it with modern musical instruments.