Lecture Series Media Art Curation

Korea-Indonesia Media Art Curation


  • Saturday, October 22, 2022 (15.00-18.00 JKT / 17.00-20.00 KOR)
  • Saturday, October 29, 2022 (16.00-19.00 JKT / 18.00-21.00 KOR)

Venue: ARCOLABS Zoom Conference

This lecture series is designed as a post-incubation program of XPLORE: New Media Art Incubation held in June 2022 to provide the incubation participants with a forum to learn and discuss the currents and issues of media art curation in Korea and Indonesia.

Three media art curators from Korea’s leading art institutions and three Indonesian curators and government official who have been contributing to the development of media art in Indonesia are invited as lecturers.

This lecture series hopes to help all participants to acquire a glocal perspective on media art from the different geo-cultural contexts, and also to seek for a possible collaboration opportunity between Korean and Indonesian curators. This program is possible with the generous support of Korea Foundation Jakarta Office.

Lecturer & Expected Lecture Content:

a. Korean lecturer:

  • Young Ah Rue, Curator Asia Culture Center Foundation  
  • Kwonjin Cho, Curator Nam June Paik Art Center
  • Haena Noh, Curator ARKO Art Center   

b. Indonesian lecturer: 

  • Tubagus Sukmana, Division Head for Media Art and Archive, Directorate of Film, Music and Media, Ministry of Culture, Education, Research and Technology
  • Riar Rizaldi, Artist / Film Maker
  • Irene Agrivina, Director of HONF / Independent Curator 

Day 1

Post-XPLORE Lecture Series, held on October 22, began with a greeting message from Choi Hyun Soo, director of the Korea Foundation Jakarta Office To celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Korea and Indonesia.

The first lecturer, Young Ah Rue introduced media art in Korea under the Corona Pandemic. Rue presented several artists whose main idea evolved from the urgent issues of climate change and ecological issues.

The second lecturer, Riar Rizaldi discussed four pieces of his recent video works based on his core interests in SF, moving images, technology of cinema, geophysics, and magic.

The third speaker, Haena Noh expressed her critical viewpoint of modern perception toward technology, and instead introduced how she expanded the concept of technology by connecting with microscopic, diverse, magical, and mythical imagination.

Day 2

The second session of the Post-XPLORE Lecture Series held on October 29 was full of participants’ enthusiastic spirit of learning.

The first lecturer, Kwonjin Cho presented the development of Nam June Paik’s artworks. Cho also shared the collections and programs at NJP Art Center and its impact and contribution to young media artists around the world.

The second lecturer, Tubagus Andre Sukmana discussed the role of the central government in the development of media arts in Indonesia. He also explained the current understanding and existence of cultural institutions towards new media art in the country.

The third speaker, Irene Agrivina explained the beginning of the formation of HONF and the process of its development as a new media and technology laboratory. Irene shared her empirical-based perspective on new media art based on numerous topics, such as its birth, rise, death, rebirth, resilience, and future.