Made in Cirebon: Korea-Indonesia Arts & Culture Education Exchange Program is an Official Development Assistance (ODA) project initiated by Korea Arts and Culture Education Services (KACES) in collaboration with PT Ki Kunci Komunikasi, ARCOLABS and Cirebon City Government.
ODA Project is a regular international exchange program of KACES that aims to revitalize arts and culture education in partnering countries. In this project, KACES works together with ARCOLABS – Center for Art and Community Management which serves as the consortium partner who organizes and executes the project.
May – September 2020
Workshop with Teaching Artists: 25 – 26 July 2020
The workshop aims to equip Teaching Artists and Local Artists with information about the program, Indonesian and Cirebon society as well as opportunities to tie in their artistic practices with different audience.
Teaching Artists : Boo Ji Hyun, Fransisca Retno, Alfi Zachkyelle
Workshop for Teaching Artists at July 25, 2020
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Workshop for Teaching Artists at July 26, 2020
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Workshop with Local Artists: 5 – 10 August 2020
Workshop by Teaching Artists to Local Artists in Cirebon, who learn to develop training material and creative contents for Teachers, Students, and people of Cirebon.
Local Artists are selected from the Cirebon-based artist collective Sinau Art. They are: Agoest Purnomo, Suryono, Viera Yulia, Mamat Nurachmat, Danny Roza, Saiful Hadi, Zainal Abidin, Mulyana, Daniel Adenis, Nicco Suparta
Workshop for Local Artists at August 5, 2020
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Workshop for Local Artists at August 6, 2020
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Workshop for Local Artists at August 7, 2020
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Workshop for Local Artists at August 8, 2020
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Workshop for Local Artists at August 10, 2020
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Workshop and Training for Teachers and Students: 7 – 11 September 2020
The workshop aims to help teachers and students in Cirebon to use art and technology as tools to learn, communicate, and get engaged with local and global communities. For this pilot project, SMP Negeri 1 Kota Cirebon (State Junior High School #1 Cirebon) is chosen to be the school partner for year 2020. In total there are 100 students participating in the daily workshop sessions
Workshop for Students and Teachers at September 7, 2020
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Workshop for Students and Teachers at September 8, 2020
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Workshop for Students and Teachers at September 9, 2020
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Workshop for Students and Teachers at September 10, 2020
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Workshop for Students and Teachers at September 11, 2020
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Final Presentation: 25 – 26 September 2020
The Final Presentation is a mini showcase of the learning outcomes from students and presentation of participating artists. It will also serve as a closing ceremony of this year’s project.