MADE IN CIREBON: The Korean-Indonesian Arts & Culture Education Program is back for the second year in 2021.
With the aim of incorporating an integrated learning model in public schools through collaboration with local artists, this year’s program featured 13 participating artists and 2 participating schools.
With the theme Trust and Growth, 10 Local Artists from Sinau Art, Cirebon will collaborate with 3 Artist Teachers based in Jakarta, Bandung and Seoul: Aprina Murwanti, Rizki Taufik Rakhman and Park Seung Soon to produce learning modules that incorporate elements of slow craft, storytelling, new media art and Cirebon local issues.
Made in Cirebon is part of the Official Development Assistance (ODA) project initiated by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Korea and the Korean Arts & Culture Education Service, KACES. Its implementation in Indonesia was organized by LArt Company and ARCOLABS.
June – December 2021
Workshop for Teaching Artists
This workshop aims to equip Teaching Artists and Local Artists with information about the ODA project, Indonesian and Cirebon society as well as opportunities to tie in their artistic practices with different audiences. This was a preliminary workshop for 3 teaching artists, 10 local artists, and all participants (KACES, ARCOLABS) of the project.
Day 1 (July 26, 2021)
Arts – Flower Seeds School : A Case Study Of Art Education In Korea – Jung Won Chul
The session started with a welcome and introduction to the project by the KACES team in Korea and the ARCOLAB team in Jakarta. Brief introduction of the 13 participating artists. The event also continued with Jung Won Chul’s first lecture on art education today. His lectures make us reflect on the purpose of art. Ideally, art is about being in tune, taking time to pause and helping contribute to society.
Indonsian History, Culture and Storytelling – Nur Arif
After this transfer session, we learned about the history of Cirebon’s hybrid culture from Nur Arif. This session talks about how the multicultural roots of Cirebon’s traditions are seen everywhere, from architecture, batik patterns, to culinary traditions.
Day 2 (July 27, 2021)
Sinau Art and After “Made In Cirebon”
The workshop continued with presentations and sharing sessions with Sinau Art. Founder Nico Permadi presented their new space: Taman Belajar Cikalong, where they focused on programs related to arts and environmental education. Back by popular demand, we have a flute performance by Artist Sinau Mulyana during lecture breaks.
Creating Online Education Program – Ika Yunsita
Then continued with an e-learning session with Ika Yunsita, who presented microlearning, this session also talked about possible ways to engage with students in this era of virtual learning. explore and experiment – which will include trial and error. It is important to start and continue with the resources we have.
Learning Basic Korean & Indonesian Languanges
The workshop ended with a short crash course on Korean and Indonesian. The Indonesian national culture, its regional dialects, and the Korean culture all put an emphasis on respect (hence the formal-informal languages, specific honorifics, etc.) This shows that even though our countries are very far from each other, we actually share many values in common
Workshop For Local Artist
This workshop aims to equip Local Artists with knowledge of ecoprint, storytelling, and electronic music, which are the expertise of three Teaching Artists. Local Artists are expected to combine this new knowledge with their own practice to develop learning modules that will be used by teachers and students.
Day 1 Ecoprint : Printing Nature – Aprina Murwanti (August 9, 2021)
The problem with overproduction in fast mode is worrying in many aspects. This is especially true in Cirebon, a city famous for its fabric and batik making. For Aprina, ecoprint is a real action towards sustainability to reflect the way our textiles are produced.
Day 2 Cirebon Stories – Rizky Taufik Rakhman (August 10, 2021)
Nusantara story is unique. They are very particular to each region in terms of character and type of story. Myths, legends and parables are very common in Indonesia and have endured as an effective medium for preserving the spiritual and historical values of certain sites. Stories are the basis of human relations, we can definitely integrate stories as an interdisciplinary educational approach. We can develop characters and storylines that suit our goals. We can adopt values, legends, and stories from fairy tales as the basis of our stories today.
Day 3 Symphony of Things – Park Seung Soon (August 12, 2021)
Algorithms and artificial intelligence are actually simpler and closer to our daily lives than we think. Using the MAX 8 software and the MaKeyMaKey board, Park teaches basic programming for connecting sounds to everyday objects. Sinau artists connect wires with objects that relate to their stories. So, ultimately, it’s about enhancing our stories and expanding our imaginations using objects, sounds, and music.
Day 4 Preparation for Production with Artist (August 13, 2021)
The next project step is preparation for production with Sinau Art artists. We started with a review of proposals and a draft of the module book, where the Curator helped guide the artists with the content of their workshops. After that, the Assistant curator informs the artist about the video module shooting requirements. Sinau Artists will shoot a video tutorial which will later be used as part of the learning materials at school.
Workshop for Students and Teachers at SMPN 18 Cirebon
The workshops aim to introduce teachers and students to the integrated learning model approach that combines art, technology and local issues as well as the possibility of involvement with local artists. Moreover, since the majority of SMPN 18 students came from underprivileged backgrounds, the objective of this session is to see how this learning model can be applied to different situations.
Day 1 The Sound of Stories – Danny Roza and Bertrand Yoga. (September 20, 2021)
Students are asked to make a story, then produce a set of clay toys that relate to the story. The workshop begins with a video tutorial, continues with hands-on practice and ends after a presentation session by students. Use of the new MSP App MakeyMakey and MAX boards for students.
Day 2 Ecotik – Yeni Yuli Umiyati and Titis Nur Ennisa (September 21, 2021)
This workshop aims to introduce teachers and students to alternative, more environmentally friendly methods of textile production which are expected to inspire them to reduce the use of chemicals harmful to color. The materials used are natural ingredients obtained from trees, flowers and leaves. This session also inspired teachers to incorporate natural dyes from trees and plants around the school in their future classrooms.
Day 3 Pop Up Story Book – Mulyana and Muchamad Faizal (September 22, 2021)
Students are asked to participate in a visual storytelling session, in which they turn a story into a picture and a puzzle game. The story used for this session was created by the artist, “The Story Timin”, who draws elements from the folklore of Malin Kundang the ungrateful child and the Cirebon folklore of the traditional empal gentong cuisine.
Day 4 Lengko Story Buzz – Saiful Hadi and Hafrizal Suyandi (September 23, 2021)
This workshop aims to combine the game of wire buzz with storytelling. Wire buzz is a game made of two conductor wires. One of the wires is assembled into a winding path. This wire is connected to the Makey Makey Board, so it makes a sound when touched by another wire, which is a small loop with a handle. The object of the game is to pass the handle from one corner to another without touching the wire.
Day 5 (September 24, 2021)
Arts – Flower Seeds School – Jung Won Chul
On the last day at SMPN 18, the activities started early with a Workshop for Teachers led by Jung Won Chul. Mr. Jung shared his experience in developing arts programs in Korea through a case study of the Art-Flower Seed School. The session was followed by a question and answer session.
Day 5 Plastic Bottle Music – Saeroji and Agus Rachmat
After the session with the teachers was over, the event continued with a Workshop for Students, “Plastic Bottle Music” led by Saeroji and Agus Rachmat. Students are invited to make musical instruments from used plastic bottles. This workshop seeks to invite students to consider the waste problem in Cirebon and increase their awareness of the environment by recycling plastic waste into something that has benefits.
Workshop for Students and Teachers at SMPN 1 Cirebon
Since SMPN 1 has participated during the pilot project last year, this year’s project aims to strengthen the network between Sinau Art, ARCOLABS, and SMPN 1 with the hope that in the future, the school and artist could initiate their own program. In the short term, the objective of this training is also to see the comparison between students and teachers who have participated in the previous year with students and teachers who are first-time participants.
Day 1 (September 27, 2021)
Arts – Flower Seeds School – Jung Won Chul
The first day started with a Workshop for Teachers with Jung Won Chul who shared his experiences through the Art-Flower Seed School case study. After the presentation, there was a question and answer session.
Stories Voice Workshop – Danny Roza and Bertrand Yoga
Then the day continued with the next agenda, namely “Stories Voice Workshop”. The activity begins with a video tutorial, continues with hands-on practice and ends with a presentation by students. Since the Sinau artists already had previous experience at SMPN 18, they were more systematic this time and the session went smoothly. Students also produce stories and quickly learn about the MaKey MaKey and Max 8 software.
Day 2 Ecotik – Yeni Yuli Umiyati and Titis Nur Ennisa (September 28, 2021)
Like what was done at SMPN 18, students of SMPN 1 Cirebon also created a combination of batik and ecoprint using the steaming technique. Natural dyes also vary, ranging from teak leaves, mango, cherry, frangipani flowers, paper flowers, and others. During the two hour wait for the steaming process, students were instructed to design the products they planned to use with Ecotik produce.
Day 3 Pop Up Story Book – Mulyana and Muchamad Faizal (September 29, 2021)
The artists used a similar approach to engage students in visual storytelling using pop up books and games. The session started with a video tutorial, followed by hands-on practice and ends with a presentation by students. Students bring drawing materials they are familiar with such as crayons and markers, so there’s even more. SMPN 1 students are also used to participating in drawing competitions so they are very good at drawing and coloring.
Day 4 Lengko Story Buzz – Saiful Hadi and Hafrizal Suyandi (September 30, 2021)
The session started with a video tutorial, followed by hands-on practice which included installing wire buzz, connecting the MaKeyMaKey board, recording sound and working on Max 8 apps. The presentation session by students was followed by a challenge game where the group could choose other group members to take part in their game. Students enjoy the session and they focus more on the experience. This session was more expressive than previously anticipated and once again we witnessed the confidence of this SMPN 1 student.
Final Presentation and Evaluation Session