The rapid flow of information and technological developments cannot be stopped, but now it is as if we are blessed with many eyes to see all sides. In the future, we can be sure that there will be new narratives, new media, and technology that are not even imagined today, so what is needed is awareness, sensitivity and openness to want to see, digest, and understand. The exhibition “Wartakala: The Future is Senses” explores the narrative of Indonesia through media art works of young artists.
“Seni Media, Anak Muda, dan Peradaban Baru” Talk at Galeri @indonesia_kaya

“Menjadi Prioritas (?)” by Mira Rizki
In a series of 6 videos, Mira responds to a news broadcast on television that shows the country from various angles. People are free to choose news to consume and respond to. However, a lot of information cannot be used as a measure that we understand what is happening in this country.
Ekskavasi Anomali by Camay
Advances in technology and media today allow the digitization of historical archives that are not only in the form of data, but can also be developed into interactive games such as video games and educational and fun virtual museums. Through apps and touch screen technology, the audience is invited to dig up historical information and explore the forms of statues from various temples in Indonesia.